If You Wound a Bison

If You Wound an Animal
If you accidentally wound a bison, it is your responsibility to do everything you can to locate and kill that animal. You can call any warden on the contact list provided below or call Tribal Dispatch at 406-338-4000.


Emergency Contact Information

Blackfeet Game Wardens will patrol the hunt area and assist in the enforcement of all applicable hunting and hunter laws. Wardens will also respond to bison hunt emergencies. Hunters may also contact the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Dispatch (West Yellowstone area) or the Park County Sheriff’s Dispatch (Gardiner Area) in the event of an emergency.

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will not direct hunters to the location of bison in the field or assist with the field dressing and retrieval of bison.  Game wardens from other Tribes may be able to assist you in this regard and can often be found in the Beatty Gulch area.

Tribal Game Warden Information:
Ryan Running Wolf   (406) 845-9528

Duey Bear Medicine  (406) 845-9544

Darrel Bird   (406) 845-9567

David Spotted Eagle, Sr. (406) 470-4996

Blackfeet LE Dispatch (406) 338-4000

Other Emergency Contacts:
1-800-TIP-MONT --- 1-800-847-6668 Hebgen Lake Ranger District 406-823-6961
Gallatin County Sheriff’s Dispatch: 406-582-2124 Gardiner Ranger District 406-848-7376
Park County Sheriff’s Dispatch: 406-222-4172
The Division of Fish, Wildlife, Recreation and Conservation is open Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Bison hunt hot line:
For updated bison availability from the field, call the bison hunt information hot line at 406-275-2848.
